Just like anything, running can be really difficult when you first start out. Everybody’s built differently – both figuratively and mentally – so it’s completely normal that our journeys with exercise, and running in particular, will differ.

Some people will pick it up quickly and easily with little trouble at all, while others may find it to be an incredibly difficult, frustrating and time consuming process.

Whatever the case, however, it’s always possible (barring injuries and other types of physical ailments, of course). Sometimes, it’s just about following your own process and being patient with yourself.

Here are some tips for beginners who want to start running but are having a tough time or don’t know where to start.

Start Slow

Nobody’s going try something for the first time and immediately be good at it – well, most people. You’ve got to crawl before you can walk (metaphorically), and when it comes to running, you may have to walk a bit before you can run consistently. And that’s okay!

Getting yourself out and moving is the most important part, so if you head out for a run and feel like you need a break or a little walk, there’s nothing wrong with that. If you start slow, you’re sure to feel the progress over time. A distance or route that you used to struggle with will eventually become easier, it just takes time and you need to build up your strength and fitness.

Be Kind to Yourself

This journey is your own, so be kind to yourself and appreciate the amazing things your body allows you to do. Sometimes, you’re going to have bad, difficult days. You may head out for a run that’s normally easy as pie, but struggle beyond belief – that’s absolutely fine. It happens to the best of us, whether you’re a novice or an extreme athlete. Just be proud of yourself for getting out and know that it’s just a bad day – try again tomorrow.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

As we said, everyone is different, and we can’t stress this enough. The rate at which you get fit will be different to other people; the speed at which you run will be different; and the distances you able to complete will also vary.

Of course, competition is healthy and races are fun. But just remember that your running journey is your own and you’re the only one who knows how your body is feeling and what you’re capable of.

Listen to Your Body

As we said, you are the only person who knows what’s going on with your own body (other than doctors, of course). If your body is tired or sore, listen to it. Take a break, rest up and spend some downtime enjoying the best Aussie slots online, and try again when you’re feeling better.

There’s a fine line between normal fatigue and what it feels like to push yourself, and extreme fatigue and flirting with injury. Identify how you’re feeling and don’t ignore it. There’s nothing wrong with taking a rest day – in fact, it may save you from serious injury and long-term down time.